tCognition - Our CRM Partnerships

tCognition provides enterprise-level CRM services and deployment services. For over 13 years we have been helping companies implement customer databases with meaningful workflows and verticalized experiences built-in for our clients. We represent and resell with some of the top CRM vendors in the industry and are trusted by them to implement and maintain their products.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM Services

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is rapidly becoming the industry standard for companies of all sizes. No longer just an SMB platform, Dynamics is ultimately scalable, with a great familiar interface that resonates with Office users. Trust tCognition to implement Dynamics at the highest level as a Microsoft Silver Certified Partner.

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Salesforce Services

We’re certified, experienced SFDC developers. Some of our capabilities: Custom Salesforce Applications; Platform Development; Custom Integrations; Custom Module Development; Mobile Application Development; Risk Management and Scalability.

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